Strategic SEO

Increase your online visibility and search rankings

Today’s SEO is more then keyword density or backlinks from high PageRank websites. It’s about generating fresh, relevant content that search engines recognize and reward and that effectively directs customers through your sales funnel.

We’ve been doing SEO since Google first started nearly 20 years ago. We get SEO and Google’s crazy complicated search algorithm, and we have developed the skills to position your website in the top tier of Google’s search engine results pages.

We Offer

Tags & Keywords

On-site SEO (elements within your website) is critical to rank well on search engines. We’ll place all essential tags and keyword-rich content to ascend Google’s rankings.


Yoast SEO Plugin

For WordPress websites, the Yoast plugin is the gold standard for SEO management. We’ve mastered every function and feature to help you outperform your top competitors. 


Content Marketing

We’ll position you as a trusted thought leader and expert in your specialty. Articles, blog posts, landing pages and unique content will be rewarded with higher Google rankings.

Link Building

Attracting and securing inbound links from reputable web sources can dramatically improve your Google organic rankings. We build links as well as remove negative links that harm your search engine position.

“Over the past decade, we’ve been through at least a dozen SEO companies claiming they could get us to the top of Google search results pages. They all failed. Web4Dentists has been the first agency to consistently position us in the top 5 organically for all our keywords.”

Jennifer Wyson, DMD

Owner, New Concepts Dentistry

Reach Us

Shoot us an email or give us a call. We'd love to chat about helping you grow your business.

(801) 420-3018

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